• Welcome to Mehanna Library, your E-book store for personal growth and various other topics.

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  • Library Mehanna

    Exciting news! There's a new online library in the works that aims to fill your hearts and minds with great stories. While it's still getting started, get ready for a place where you can dive into a variety of books that inspire and captivate. Stay tuned for updates as this online library brings the joy of storytelling and knowledge right to your fingertips!!

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    How To Break The Stress Cycle

    We go through life not knowing that a second birth, a spiritual birth, awaits us. In a world full of stress, conflict, and chaos, trying to find a balance between mind, body, and the spiritual can be a difficult journey.Let me help you. I wrote this book as a guide on how to balance your mind and body and find your spiritual self.

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    I AM, A journey through the life and teaching of jesus

    In this book, we embark on a journey to explore the life
    and teachings of this enigmatic and transformative figure, navigating the historical,
    theological, and personal landscapes that paint the portrait of the one who changed the world
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    About Jad Mehanna

    Renowned music composer Jad Mehanna, known for expressing life through melodies and words, has expanded his artistic vision. After success in music and writing, he launched an online Ebook store, obtaining licenses for thousands of books across genres. While the store is in its early stages, Mehanna envisions a collection that reflects his cultural richness and storytelling prowess. The platform aims to be a haven for literary marvels, though it will take time to realize this vision fully. Stay tuned for a curated space celebrating the beauty and diversity of human experiences through the written word.


    Visit His Coaching Services : https://www.jadmehannacoaching.com/

    And his Main Site where you Get To Know his Music : https://www.jadmehanna.com/ 

  • Self help & Psychology

    Check other Ebook Genres in the menu section

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    The Anti Anxiety Formula

    Do any of these statements sound familiar?
    You worry too much.
    You must drag yourself out of the bed every morning and often
    wake up feeling sad for no obvious reason.
    You’re disposed to making negative predictions.
    You worry about the worst that could happen in any situation.
    You take negative feedback very personally.
    You’re your biggest critic.
    You avoid people more than you should.
    Anything less than perfection feels like failure.
    If they do, then there’s a chance that you’re experiencing some
    degree of anxiety and/or depression. Unpleasant feelings are a
    part of our daily lives. They are there to teach us a lesson. Once
    we’ve learned our lesson, they often move on, but might come
    back with another lesson later.


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    Click Here : Anti-anxiety




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    Think and Grow Rich

    Is It Money, Fame, Power, Contentment, Personality, Peace of Mind, Happiness?
    The Thirteen Steps to Riches described in this book offer the shortest dependable
    philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for the benefit of the man or
    woman who is searching for a definite goal in life

    "This is not a novel. It is a textbook on individual achievement that came directly from
    the experiences of hundreds of America's most successful men. It should
    be studied, digested, and meditated upon. No more than one chapter should be read in a
    single night. The reader should underline the sentences which impress him most. Later,
    he should go back to these marked lines and read them again


    you can buy with your credit /debit card "think and grow rich"



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    What is Nlp

    Neurolinguistic Programming, NLP for short, is a motivational
    and communication model that was developed in the
    seventies. It was developed through the analysis of very
    successful psychotherapists and is used today in various areas
    of life such as therapy, sales, leadership, partnership and in
    dealing with children.
    NLP brings together conversation-, behaviour-, hypno- and
    body oriented approaches. Thereby our thinking, feeling and
    behaviour (neuro) is systematically changed (programmed) by
    means of language (linguistics).


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    365 Manifestation Power

    Everyone has an insight, a voice that comes from within ones soul. This is
    the voice responsible in influencing and directing us throughout our life.
    That voice is constantly telling us “Get up right now! Take charge of your
    life and manifest your destiny”.
    It involves transforming yourself and taking charge of your life. If you stay
    stagnant then life will not happen for you. You might never experience the
    true potential of yourself. Life is not only about the style of living,
    sleeping, eating, working and travelling but to explore, experiment,
    observe, thoughtful processes and taking risks towards change.
    Change leads to improvement. So an important question is how to
    improve? How to bring about change within one’s self?



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    We all have goals and aims, and we all have an idea of what we
    would like our lives to be like. Despite this though, many of us fail
    to reach those goals or to actualize our dreams.
    Why is this?
    Or to put it another way, what is it that’s holding you back?
    There’s a good chance that you already know what the answer is
    likely to be.
    It’s you. 


    you can buy with credit/debit card 5$ MIND-RESET


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    The Gift Of Gratitude

    Adding Gratitude Into Your Life

    Saying thank you is something that is drilled into all of us at a
    young age. How many times did your mom nag at you to write
    thank you notes after you opened your birthday presents?
    because we do it so often, it sometimes becomes automatic. We
    rarely think about what being grateful really means. How does
    gratitude make a difference in your life?
    Why is it so important?
    In this book, we look more closely at the important role gratitude
    has to play in transforming our lives.
    It can touch every element
    of your being, from your social and working life to your mental
    and physical health. It may seem impossible to think that letting
    thankfulness into your life can be so revolutionary, but it can
    make you happier, improve your relationships and even make
    you more successful.


    Are you ready to learn more about the transformative powers of
    thankfulness? Then read on to find out all you need to know.
    Buy with Credit/Debit Card 5$ click here--> Buy the ebook 



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    Attracting wealth through the law of attraction

    With the release of The Secret followed by the outstanding response it

    has garnered, a lot of people are speaking about the Law of Attraction.

    The problem is that not half of these people know what they are

    talking about.


    The Law of Attraction is not an enchantment or a potion that will wish

    all your problems away. There are things that need to be done if you

    want to experience its richness in your life.


    This eBook specifically deals with the implementation of the Law of

    Attraction in gathering money, but really it is about all its various

    applications that can help in improving your life.


    Sit back, free up your mind from all its clutter, and have a good read



    Buy with Credit/Debit Card 5$ click here--> Buy the ebook 



    Whatsapp us at +961 81 460586-we'll send you a link to pay via your debit or credit card-you /or you can transfer OMT or whish money -You will get your book on whatsapp pdf format or to your provided email