Attracting wealth through the law of attraction

Attracting wealth through the law of attraction

With the release of The Secret followed by the outstanding response it
has garnered, a lot of people are speaking about the Law of Attraction.
The problem is that not half of these people know what they are
talking about.
The Law of Attraction is not an enchantment or a potion that will wish
all your problems away. There are things that need to be done if you
want to experience its richness in your life.
This eBook specifically deals with the implementation of the Law of
Attraction in gathering money, but really it is about all its various
applications that can help in improving your life.
Sit back, free up your mind from all its clutter, and have a good read
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Attracting wealth through the law of attraction

With the release of The Secret followed by the outstanding response it
has garnered, a lot of people are speaking about the Law of Attraction.
The problem is that not half of these people know what they are
talking about.
The Law of Attraction is not an enchantment or a potion that will wish
all your problems away. There are things that need to be done if you
want to experience its richness in your life.
This eBook specifically deals with the implementation of the Law of
Attraction in gathering money, but really it is about all its various
applications that can help in improving your life.
Sit back, free up your mind from all its clutter, and have a good read.- 5 -
Chapter 1:
The Law of Attraction – What It Really Is and What It Is Not- 6 -
Let us begin by understanding what the Law of Attraction really is all
about.- 7 -
The Law of Attraction – What It Really Is and
What It Is Not
It is somewhat amazing to see how much talk there is about the Law
of Attraction and how few people actually know about what it is. 
Law of Attraction is not a spell that you use and things begin
happening that way. It is not that you chant „like begets like‟ a
thousand times a day and see things happening the way you want.
the Law of Attraction were so simple, we would have already
witnessed the world as a much better place by now.
People explain the Law of Attraction in various ways. 
The commonest
definition you will find will be something like this:-
“If you strongly believe that something should happen, it will certainly
A sentence couldn‟t be any simpler, but you will immediately realize
that this raises more questions than it answers. 
The question of
desires is the most important. Is it only what we desire and think
about strongly that will happen? Or will things that we don‟t desire also
happen if we somehow think strongly about them? 
Then there is also
the question of internal conflict of thoughts. At times, there could be
situations where we think equally in both ways. For example, we may
think that a job could be ours or not.
 So how do we apply the Law of
Attraction in such a case? Or what do we do when we are thinking
strongly about something and someone else is thinking strongly about
the exact opposite thing? What will happen in that case?- 
8 -
In order to be able to reply all these questions, it is important to first
understand what the Law of Attraction really says.
Notwithstanding the various ways in which the Law of Attraction has
been defined, we can break things down in the following four
 We must know exactly what we want.
 We must begin a thought process for it, and begin vociferously
asking the universe to make it happen.
 We must then visualize a situation wherein we already have
what we are hankering for, and we must live in that reality.
 At the same time, we must not attach ourselves to what might
happen. We must only think about having it. There is no room
for apprehension.
In this eBook, we are going to expose various aspects of the Law of
Attraction and see how we can apply it in one of the most important
areas of our lives – attracting money. 
Can one really become rich by just thinking vividly about it?
 We need to understand the law better
and learn how to implement it in order to get these answers.- 9 -
Chapter 2:
Objective and Subjective Thinking